
Sunday, November 6, 2016


The gopi friends of Shri Radha are divided into five groups that always attract Lord Madhava with their superexcellent transcendental qualities and beautiful personal embellishments. 

1) Sakhis-are ordinary female friends like Vrnda, Dhanishta and Kusumika. 
2) Nitya-sakhis-eternal friends like Manimanjari and Kasturi. 
3) Prana-sakhis--intimate bosom friends "as dear as life" like Sashi, Mukhi, Vasanti and Lasika. 
4) Priya-sakhis dear friends like Kamala, Madhavi and Malati. 
5) Parama-prestha-sakhis are the foremost, dearest and most beloved friends of Shri Radha represented by the asta-sakhis (eight main gopis): Lalita, Visakha, Citra, Campakalata, Tungavidya, Indulckha, Rangadevi and Sudevi.The asta-sakhis display the zenith of spiritual love for the Divine Couple, Shri-Shri Radhika-Krishnacandra. To increase the transcendental ecstasy of Radha and Krishna, the parama-prestha sakhis show partiality; sometimes they favor Krishna, sometimes Radha. "These eight gopis are the leaders of all the other gopis. In whatever time, place, or circumstance, these gopis are placed, their most exalted and intense love for the transcendental Divine Couple is always very easy to sec" (UN). Although these eight gopis are the leaders of many other gopis, because they are very greedy to earn Shri Radha's love ; they always prefer to serve under the group and command of Shri Radha and try to please Her in every way possible.

Besides these five categories, there are hundreds of groups of beautiful doe-eyed gopis with hundreds and thousands of charming girls in each group. There are actually unlimited groups with 100,000 gopis in each group. Some of the gopi group leaders act as Shrimati Radharani's friends, some are neutral and some like Candravalli, Padma and Saibya are Radha's rivals.

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