gopyas tu śrutayo jñeyā ṛṣi-jā gopa-kanyakāḥ
deva-kanyāś ca rājendra na mānuṣyāḥ kathañcana
'It is understood that some of the gopīs are personified Vedic literatures, while others are reborn sages, daughters of cowherds, or demigod maidens. But by no means, my dear King, are any of them ordinary humans.' Here we are informed that although the gopīs appeared to be human cowherd girls, they actually were not. Thus the contention that they are mortals is refuted.
Gopis come in four flavors of disparate lineages.
1. Gopis who emanated from Krishna, Purna Rasa.
2. Gopis who are incarnates of Vedic Verses, Udgita, Sugita,
Kalagita, and the rest.
3. Gopis who were sages in previous lives.
4. Gopis who are the daughters of cowherds.
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