
Tuesday, January 19, 2021


๐Ÿฆ‹A box full of Joy๐Ÿ˜

โ™ฅ๏ธโš˜โ™ฅ๏ธDesiring to meet Radharani... how the mischievous Krsna fooled Abhimanyu - the so called husband of Radharani!!!..๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Šโ™ฅ๏ธโš˜โ™ฅ๏ธ

"Despite the weight of the box on his head, Abhimanyu, the so-called husband of Srimati Radharani๐Ÿ’›, went along the path to Jawat in great jubilation, thinking of all the valuables that must be packed in the box given by Yashoda devi for Srimati Radhika๐Ÿ’›. He had been called by Nandarani Srimati Yashoda devi to come and collect a box full of valuable jewels and beautiful clothes that she had personally prepared for Radhika๐Ÿ’› out of motherly love and affection, and also because Radharani ๐Ÿ’›was coming to cook breakfast for Sri Krishna every day."

" Upon being requested by Yashoda devi, he went there and collected the box from her along with an instruction for Vrishabhanunandini Radha๐Ÿ’› to enjoy the contents of the box to her full satisfaction."

" However, what Abhimanyu did not know was that Sri Krishna๐Ÿ’™, who had been observing his mother preparing the box, had gone upto her and asked her about what she was doing. When he got to know from his mother that the box was being prepared by her for Srimati Radhika๐Ÿ’›, he decided to get mischievous, and as soon as she went out of the room to receive Abhimanyu, he called all his friends and with their help, he emptied out the box and himself entered it and told his friends to close it from outside. So, in reality, what Abhimanyu was carrying on his head was not a box full of jewels but rather Krishna, the playful beloved of Srimati Radhika๐Ÿ’›. "

"Unaware of this, he went and delivered the box to Vrindavaneshwari and told her the instruction that Yashoda devi had given for her. "

"Anticipating to find beautiful sarees and exquisite ornaments in the box, Srimati Radhika๐Ÿ’› and all her dear Gopi friends gathered around the box, but as soon as they opened the lid, instead of the jewels that they were expecting, out sprang Gopinath, their beloved, shocking the gopis and making them laugh in merriment."

"Shyamsundar๐Ÿ’™ then enjoyed various pastimes with the gopis in the very house of Srimati Radhika๐Ÿ’›, and the gopis, following the instruction of the most worshipable Yashoda devi, enjoyed the contents of the box to their full satisfaction."

"The jewels and clothes were eventually also delivered to the Gopis, but having received the gift of Shyamsundar๐Ÿ’™in the box, was what made their hearts drown in the ecstasy of prema๐Ÿ’–."

Story taken from Chamatkar Chandrika...
Originally written by Srila Vishwanath Chakravarti Thakura. 



โค๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ€When Gopis taught lesson to Lord Krsna and His friends, when They harrassed Gopis for curd and butter and broke their pots....!!๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ

๐Ÿฅ€๐ŸŒฟโ˜˜The Sankari Khor leela of Vrindavan, Sankari means a narrow passage from which only one person can move.. This is a place in Vrindavan dham between two mountains, one called Brahma and other Vishnu( Who are there in the form of mountains to enjoy the braj leela of Lord Krsna).

๐Ÿ€๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒผThis also indicates that Pathway to ๐Ÿ’™Pure Love is too narrow, from which only one person can move.. When I was there my beloved (Hari) was not there, but when my beloved is there, I am not there....โคโคโค ( I indicates the false ego.)

๐Ÿ๐ŸAt this Sankari Khor, Shri Krishna and His gopa friends would become tax collectors and demand milk, yoghurt and butter as toll-tax from the gopis. When the gopis refused to give any tax, Krishna would forcibly plunder and relish their milk products.. And after that they would break their pots.. The gopis, being tired of these daily encounters, decided one day to retaliate strongly.๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜

๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ŠThey decided that on a chosen day they would all hide in the caves and dense kunjas on the hill on both sides of the narrow pathway. A few gopis would then cross Sankari-khor carrying pots of milk, yoghurt and butter on their heads. The plan was that the moment Krishna and His sakhas would stop them and try to plunder their load, the gopis would signal through a whistle to their friends hiding nearby, who would at once descend from their hideouts. Then, under the leadership of Lalita, they would teach Krishna and His sakhas a good lesson.๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿฅ€

๐ŸคชAnd so it happened that the next day thousands and thousands of gopis divided into groups and hid themselves in the dense kunjas and large caves around Sankari-khor. Then, as usual, a few gopis placed pots of milk and yoghurt on their heads and made their way towards Sankari-khor. Krishna, Madhu-mangal and the other sakhas obstructed their path and forcibly began to plunder their milk and yoghurt. At once, these gopis signalled the gopis who were hiding, and a wonderful pastime took place. Five to ten gopis forcefully caught hold of Krishna.. and others of other sakhas.

They then tied the tuft of hair (their choti, Including of lord Krsna๐Ÿ’›) on the back of their heads to the branches of the trees and asked them, "What pleasure is there in plundering our yoghurt? Will you ever do it again?" Madhumangal folded his hands and prayed at the feet of Lalita. "Please spare me. I was very hungry. I am a simple brahmana boy who fell under the influence of that fickle Krishna. I shall never behave like this again. The gopis thus taught the sakhas a lesson.๐Ÿ˜

โฃ๐Ÿฅ€After that it was Krsna's turn, Sakhis tied his tuft of hair on the branch of tree, put the pot of butter, curd, ghee, milk and honey one by one in turn, asking Him to give tax and than the leader Lalita Sakhi aimed a stone at the pots on Krishna's head, breaking it and drenching His whole body. It was like doing His abhishekam in this leela... though it looked like teaching Him(Krsna) lesson!! In all this leelas, Only Love for Krsna is Supreme Goal...Devotees are devotees and Supreme Lord is Supreme Lord๐Ÿ˜Šโ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿฅ€

Braja dham leela sthali... Sankari Khor, Barsana!!
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